Ethnic American Literatures | Racial Form | Cultural Formalism


Ph.D student, educator,

and researcher.


MariaCarolina Sintura is a Ph.D student in the English Department at UCSB. Her research brings together the Legal Humanities, Critical University Studies, Critical Race Theory and Women of Color Feminisms as she how the figure of the international student is deployed by the U.S American University and U.S empire.

Before attending UCSB, she received her undergraduate degree in Literature at Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia, and an M.A in English from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Before joining UCSB she was an English instructor at Howard University.

MariaCarolina was the 2020-21 Graduate Student Fellow at UCSB’s American Cultures and Global Contexts Center, the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center 2021-22 Public Humanities Fellow, and 2021-22 Graduate Research Assistant for Las Maestras Center.

She is currently involved in the creation of a digital bibliography on activist research soon to be launched by UCSB’s English Department.